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B O O K S   &   L I N K S


B O O K S   O N   S Y M B O L S

  • The Book of Symbols: Reflections on Archetypal Images, editor-in-chief: Ami Ronnberg, Editor: Kathleen Martin 

  • Dictionary of Symbols, over 1,000 pages long, excellent resource by Jean Chevalier, Alain Gheerbrant, Penguin Books

  • Symbolism: The Universal Language, by J.C. Cooper

  • An Illustrated Encyclopaedia of Traditional Symbols, by: J. C. Cooper 

  • Signs and Symbols: An Illustrated Guide to their Origins and Meanings, Publisher Dorling Kindersley 2008

  • Watch Your Dreams: A Master Key and Reference Book for All Initiates of the Soul, the Mind and the Heart, by Ann Ree Colton

  • The Woman’s Dictionary of Symbols and Sacred Objects, by Barbara G. Walker

B O O K S   O N   M Y T H S   A N D   F A I R Y   T A L E S

Myths and fairy tales contain figures, symbols and themes which sometimes appear in our dreams. Just like dreams, myths and fairy tales can be de-coded. Marie-Louise Von Franz, a Jungian analyst who worked with closely with Jung, has written many books on dreams and fairy tales.

  • The Feminine in Fairy Tales, by Marie-Louise Von Franz

  • Animus and Anima in Fairy Tales, by Marie-Louise Von Franz

  • Shadow and Evil in Fairy Tales, by Marie-Louise Von Franz

  • Archetypal Patterns in Fairy Tales, by Marie-Louise Von Franz

  • The Uses of Enchantment: The Meaning and Importance of Fairy Tales, by Bruno Bettelheim

  • Women Who Run with Wolves: Myths and Stories of the Wild Woman Archetype, by Clarissa Pinkola Estes, Ph. D.

  • World Mythology, Roy Willis, General Editor

  • Fairy Tales Allegories of the Inner Life, by J.C. Cooper

  • The Song of Eve: An illustrated journey into the myths, symbols, and rituals of the goddess, by Manuela Dunn Mascetti

  • The Woman’s Encyclopedia of Myths and Secrets, by Barbara G. Walker

J U N G I A N   A U T H O R S

All of Robert A. Johnson’s books are recommended.

  • Inner Work: Using Dreams and Active Imagination for Personal Growth, by Robert A. Johnson 

All of Marion Woodman’s books are recommended.

  • The Pregnant Virgin: A Process of Psychological Transformation

  • The Ravaged Bridegroom: Masculinity in Women

  • Leaving my Father’s House and Journey to Conscious Femininity

  • Dancing in the Flames: The Dark Goddess in the Transformation of Consciousness

All of Jeremy Taylor’s books are recommended.

  • The Wisdom of your Dreams: Using dreams to tap into your unconscious and transform your Life 

  • The Living Labyrinth: Exploring Universal Themes in Myths, Dreams and the Symbolism of Waking Life

  • Dream Work: Techniques for Discovering the Creative Power in Dreams

James Hillman

  • The Dream and The Underworld

H I S T O R I C A L   O V E R V I E W S   O N   T H E   I M P O R T A N C E
O F   D R E A M I N G

These books are comprehensive and not at all “dry.”  

  • The Secret History of Dreaming, by Robert Moss

  • Our Dreaming Mind  “A Sweeping Exploration of the Role that Dreams have Played in Politics, Art, Religion, and Psychology, from Ancient Civilizations to the Present Day, by Robert L. Van De Castle, Ph.D.

S P I R I T U A L   A N D   R E L I G I O U S   A P P R O A C H E S   T O
D R E A M   W O R K

  • Watch Your Dreams, by Ann Ree Colton 

  • Dreamer “20 years of psychic dreams and how they changed my life,” by Andrew Paquette

  • Forty Dreams of St. John Bosco (from Saint John Bosco’s Memoirs), compiled and edited by Fr. J. Bacchiarello, S.D.B

  • Dreams: God’s Forgotten Language, by John A. Sanford ( Episcopal priest and Jungian analyst)

  • Unopened Letters from God:  A Workbook for Individuals and Groups, by Reverend Robert L. Haden (Episcopal priest and Jungian)

W E B S I T E S   &   B L O G S

​Just a small sample of what's on the web!

  • Anne Baring

    • Anne is a Jungian analyst  She has spent “60 years of research in: psychology, history, politics, mythology, ecology, fairy tales, alchemy.” Her talks and articles are on her website, as well as a list of her books.  

T E D   T A L K S   O N   D R E A M S

  • Dr. William Stimson

    • A very sweet talk by William Stimson, a Ph.D.scientist and professor who quit his day job to explore dreams! “My contention is that to be able to understand our own dreams—and the wisdom to pay close attention to what we’re dreaming—is just as important to education today as science, technology, engineering and mathematics.” ~ William R. Stimson

  • Dr. Selterman

    • Dr. Selterman is a Lecturer in the Psychology Department at the University of Maryland. He runs a DREAM Lab in Maryland.

  • Dr. Christopher Kerr

    • Dreams and Visions of the Dying Dr. Christopher Kerr. Dr. Kerr is the Chief Medical Officer at a Center for Hospice and Palliative Care.

  • Out-of-Body Experience Tedx

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