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  • Orese Fahey

Where Do We Go in Our Dreams?

After carefully analyzing 20 years of his dreams, Andrew Paquette concluded that “there is a stable common environment” that we may visit in the night and it isn’t just an “accidental meeting place.” Ann Ree Colton called this “stable common environment” which we experience and explore in our dreams the “seven dream veils”, or seven dream levels. This painting, by Jonathan Murro, depicts the seven dream veils.

  • Spiritual

  • Prophetic

  • Initiatory

  • Akasic Records

  • Wish

  • Fantasy

  • Grotesque

  • There are three “lesser” dream levels – wish, fantasy and grotesque - and four “higher” dream levels – akasic records, initiatory, prophetic and spiritual. If we visualize the seven dream levels as a tree, we could say that the three lower dream levels – grotesque, fantasy and wish – form the roots and trunk of the tree. We spend a lot of dream-time cleansing these roots (purifying our desires, facing our immature emotions and fantasized thoughts) so our consciousness can begin to move into the higher branches or higher dream levels. If we are worried, frustrated, anxious, or distracted we often stay in the lower dream levels during sleep. The subject matter, imagery and symbols in the three lesser dream levels relate to our daytime actions and to our subconscious minds. Lesser dream level dreams are called “process dreams, or cleansing dreams. Andrew Paquette called lower level dreams “junk dreams”, before he came to realize that even the worst nightmare or a seemingly silly dream contains valuable information, if we take the time to decode it and learn from it.

  • The 4th dream level contains past life records (also called “akasic records”.) Akasic is a Sanskrit word. Akash, prana and ether are elements which precede the heavier, tangible elements of earth, air, fire and water. The akasic records exist in a non-physical plane. They are like an immense photographic film recording the life experience of every human being since time began. During fourth level dreams we can research our past lives. We often dream that we are looking at a book or we’re in a room with books (symbolizing akasic records). We may dream of ourselves wearing clothing from another time period, and/or see buildings, furniture and vehicles from another time. We may be fluent in languages that we don’t know in waking life, and we may even experience how we died in a past life. We can also read the myths and records of the collective on the fourth dream level. Fourth level dreams are usually experienced in color and sometimes we hear music.

  • The 5th dream level is called the initiatory plane. This is a plane of evaluation and correction. Our attitudes toward sex, money, people, and death are all examined. We research our consciences, and we learn about ourselves, our family and others during fifth level dreams.

  • The 6th dream level is called the prophetic. Here we experience warning dreams, we receive guidance, and we also have dreams of the future – our personal future as well as our collective future. On the 6th dream level a person can also qualify to become a Night Server in what Ann Ree Colton called the “Night-Ministry”. The 6th and 7th dream levels also contain what Ann Ree Colton called the “Halls of Learning”. (The Night Ministry and the Halls of Learning will be described in a future post.)

  • The 7th dream level is called the spiritual. It is very rare to experience this level in dreams. In the 7th dream level a dreamer will experience profound spiritual dreams, healing and revelatory dreams.

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