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  • Orese Fahey

What Is a Symbol?

Updated: Feb 27, 2021

“Symbols are the vocabulary in dream life. In the life between death and rebirth, the language used is the language of symbols. God has given man symbols that he might extend his powers of concentration and use the energies of his mind to create, and that he might move over the limitation of language, race and place.”

Ann Ree Colton, The Archetypal Kingdom

Before delving into exploring specific symbols, I think it best to get a feel for what a symbol is.

Symbols are part of our soul’s vocabulary. Symbols speak to us through dreams, poetry, visual art, allegory, parable, myth, fairytale, music and mathematics, to name a few. Many people in our so called “modern” world are symbolically illiterate and uninterested in learning symbolic language. “Symbolism is basic to the human mind; to ignore it is to suffer a serious deficiency; it is fundamental to thinking, and the perfect symbol should satisfy every aspect of man – his spirit, intellect and emotions.”

J.C. Cooper, An Illustrated Encyclopaedia of Traditional Symbols

Many people view sleep as a way to escape the stress of waking life, and a way for our physical body to rest and recharge, which is true. But sleep has so much more to offer us. If you are 60 years old, you have spent 40 years awake and 20 years sleeping. The universe wastes nothing. All of our years of sleep are filled, not only with physical rejuvenation, but with rich, deep meaning. Symbolic illiteracy causes us to dismiss dreams as nonsensical and incoherent. Our dreams have so much to say, so much to teach us. Learning the language of symbology can literally save our lives (warning dreams); teach us of the future (prophetic dreams); deliver messages from loved ones who have passed; tweak our conscience (corrective dreams) and so much more.

To become fluent in symbology enables us to navigate successfully in our outer and inner life, and to understand what is being said to us in waking and sleeping life, and even in between lives.

“Mircea Eliade sees in the recovery of symbolism the chance ‘to rescue modern man from his cultural provincialism and, above all, from his historical and existentialist relativism’.” J.C.Cooper

Here are a few definitions of symbols:

  • Symbols are visual images containing dimensional ideas and universal truths

“The symbol is a key to a realm greater than itself and greater than the man who employs it.

J.C. Cooper

  • Symbolizes remind us of our unity with the cosmos

“..expression of the unity of life the central point of all traditional symbolism..” J.C. Cooper

  • Symbols act as bridges connecting our inner and outer worlds, the visible and the invisible

“The Bliss-Presence of God abides in the core of every number, letter and symbol. Dynamic realizations occur through union with the Presence of God within a number, letter or symbol.” Jonathan Murro, The Divine Image

  • Symbols are timeless

“All symbols are in reality, deathless, immortal, living nuclei. Centered within each symbol is an etheric, intelligible code.” Ann Ree Colton, Watch Your Dreams

  • Symbols transcend the limits of verbal communication, they are a universal vocabulary

“Regardless of what language is spoken, the cosmic symbols in this eternity (world) enable men to retain something of an inner, intelligible communication. The hidden meaning within symbols holds the key to the inner understanding between men.”

Ann Ree Colton, The Archetypal Kingdom

  • Symbols cannot be created artificially

“Symbolic images are more than data; they are vital seeds, living carriers of possibility.” Preface in The Book of Symbols: Reflections on Archetypal Images

  • Symbols “may both reveal and conceal” J.C. Cooper

“A still vital symbol remains partially unknown, compels our attention and unfolds in new meanings and manifestations over time.” Kathleen Martin, The Book of Symbols

  • Symbols are “stabilizing reassurances” as we move from the outer world to the inner planes and back again.

“Symbols are living Archetypal particles of light that never change in the inner consciousness.” Ann Ree Colton, The Archetypal Kingdom

“The higher unconscious is familiar with symbols. One is constantly absorbing symbolic nuances into his outer consciousness. All persons constantly use symbols in their expression. All thinking and feeling are dependent upon symbolic life. The emotions are especially dependent upon the energy symbols emanate. The mind depends upon the meanings within symbols. Symbols are stabilizing reassurances from birth to life, from life to death, and from death to birth.” Ann Ree Colton, The Archetypal Kingdom

  • Symbols are “inclusive and expansive” J.C. Cooper

“A symbol need not arise from any one source, but can adapt or respond to different ages, religions, cults and civilizations……..the symbol is inclusive and expansive.” J.C. Cooper

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