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Akasic Records

Records of former lives.  These records are kept in the fourth plane of the Astral World.

Active Imagination

Taking a dream or dream-image and relating it to a myth, fairy tale, religious scripture, and/or delving into research regarding a particular symbol. The process of dream amplification can be experienced through active imagination, contemplation, research, stream of consciousness writing, poetry, by performing a ritual, and through all forms of artistic expression – painting, collage, drawing, mandalas, etc., as well as dance and theater. Working creatively with dreams is an excellent way to gain deeper insight into your dreams.


The unconscious feminine aspect of a man’s nature. In a man’s dreams, his anima usually appears as a woman.


The unconscious masculine aspect of a woman’s nature, usually appearing as a male in her dreams.


Jungian definition – Universal patterns or motifs that come from the collective unconscious and are found in religion, myth, and fairy tales.  Examples of archetypes: the hero, the wise old woman, the trickster, the child, the devil and so on.


Ann Ree Colton’s definition - “Original or divine blueprints for the mind and life processes in the earth. The Greater Archetypes work first as the Unmanifest or as the Word yet to be made flesh. These spiritual, creative, divine Archetypal compulsions move in tides into the world through the minds of men. In each great Archetype is an Archetone. The Holy Spirit sounds within the Archetone when the divine Word is ready to enter into the mind and life of man.” “There is an Archetypal Record of Creation. There also are Virginal Archetypes of unborn Nations and Continents; Archetypes for the Humanities of the earth; Archetypes of the Animal Kingdom; and Archetypes of the Plant Kingdom.”  Ann Ree Colton,The Archetypal Kingdom,


“Star or planetary reflections  The astral is a unique, unceasing, fermenting, mirroring and moving action producing in man a state of emotion, mood and inductive feeling and thinking.” Ann Ree Colton, The Archetypal Kingdom

Astral World

“The Astral World has two parts, seven planes and forty-nine regions.  The lower Astral World relates to man’s subconscious mind in death and in life.  The higher Astral World is the First Heaven.” “The four lower planes of the Astral World are the recipients of the lower vibrations and energies of the planetary light.”  “In the Bible, the Astral World is called ‘the serpent’.  Man commands the Astral World by the use of his higher will and higher mind.  Before one can enter into spiritual illumination, he must undergo the trials of the subjective astral states within his subconscious mind.  St. Paul refers to the chimera action of this astralized emotional play when he speaks of ‘seeing through a glass darkly’ (1 Corinthians 13:12).  The Astral World is also spoken of in the Book of Revelation, Chapters 4 and 6, as a ‘sea of glass’.”  “Each of the planes of the Astral World contains seven regions. The lowest, or Plane 1, is the Grotesque plane. Plane 2 is Fantasy. Plane 3 is Wish. On the Fourth Plane of the Astral World, the action of the First Heaven begins. Here one reads his akasic records and hears the Audible Sound or Music of the Cosmos. On the Fifth Plane of the Astral World, one unites with the Masters, the Saints, and begins his night instruction and night-ministry work. On the Sixth Plane of the Astral World, one enters into the prophetic side of dreams. On the Seventh Plane of the Astral World, one contacts the great Bodhisattvas who prepare him for initiation into the Second Heaven.”“The astral world encircles and interpenetrates every part of the physical world. Particularly is its action parallel to the central core of the earth, where it gathers a momentum to work with the etheric substance required for a more pliant action in astral-form pageantry. If it were not for this work, men would not receive symbols in their dreams and in their visions.”  Ann Ree Colton, The Archetypal Kingdom

Big Dreams (also Archetypal Dreams)

(Jungian terms) Big Dreams are those that remain clearly in the waking memory for days, weeks, or even years… Big dreams are memorable dreams, important dreams, especially significant dreams. A big dream can be life changing. “Big” [or significant] dreams are often remembered for a lifetime, and not infrequently prove to be the richest jewel in the treasure-house of psychic experience.” Carl Jung: “The `big' dreams employ numerous mythological motifs that characterize the life of the hero, of that greater man who is semi-divine by nature. Here we find the dangerous adventures and ordeals such as occur in initiations. We meet dragons, helpful animals, and demons; also the Wise Old Man, the animal-man, the wishing tree, the hidden treasure, the well, the cave, the walled garden, the transformative processes and substances of alchemy, and so forth all things which in no way touch the banalities of everyday.” Carl Jung: “Big dreams are impressive, they go with us through life, and sometimes change us through and through, but small dreams are fragmentary and just deal with the personal moment.” Carl Jung, ETH Lecture XI 5 July 1934, Page 133.


An energetic knot of unconscious feelings and beliefs; a core pattern of emotions, memories, and perceptions in the personal unconscious organized around a common theme, for example one can have a money complex, a food complex and/or a negative or positive mother complex.

“Jung often used the term "complex" to describe a partially repressed, yet highly influential cluster of charged psychic material split off from, or at odds with, the conscious "I".[8] Daniels (2010) described complexes as "'stuck-together' agglomerations of thoughts, feelings, behavior patterns, and somatic forms of expression".”

Complexes “are like separate personalities. Reason has little impact on complexes.  Dreams provide direct access to the complexes.” Anthony Stevens in Unopened Letters From God, p.108  “Jung said, ‘We don’t have complexes; complexes have us until we become conscious of them.’  Complexes are both positive and negative……. Complexes are shaped and influenced by archetypes, culture, family history and relationships.” Rev. Robert L. Haden, “Unopened Letters From God”, p.190

Dream Tolerance

 “Dream tolerance may be defined as extension of length of time in dreams, providing a form of lingering observation in one point of a dream.” “It is the emotional body that extends dream tolerance.”  Ann Ree Colton


Another word for hypnagogia “Before sleep each night, speak your night ministry mantram.  Be alert, as after this there is a moment or two before you fall asleep that your physical body is separating from your etheric body. In this moment observe the quiet known as eslepsy, not awake, not asleep.”Ann Ree Colton  

Hall of Learning

“The desire to learn in the greater dimensions of sleep is first inspired by the universities of heaven.  These universities are called the Halls of Learning.” “The Hall of Learning is located in the seventh plane of the First Heaven.  The inner schools most frequently visited and active are situated in the First Heaven.  These are called the Hall of Learning.”  “All initiation in the Hall of Learning is preparation to serve as a night healer and a daytime initiate. Dream research of the night is under the supervision of the great Masters and pure gurus in the Hall of Learning. All spiritual aspirants are initiated in this precinct of Heaven, that they may render a knowing service in the world.”  Ann Ree Colton

Hieros Gamos

The sacred marriage

Higher Etheric Body

"The Higher Etheric Body is a perfected body; all other bodies (physical, emotional, mental) are in a state of evolving. The Higher Etheric Body, having twelve perfected atoms, is able to function in the highest degree of ether and is not subjected to negation or death. It is the body for higher perception in night-flight or dreams." Ann Ree Colton 


The term hypnagogia comes from the Greek words for “sleep” and “guide”. 

 A threshold time, between waking and sleep. Hypnagogia usually lasts for a few moments. Hypnagogia has been described as a “waking dream”. Charles Dickens wrote, in Oliver Twist, of “the visionary scenes that pass before us.”  Salvadore Dali and many writers and artists have received inspiration while in hypnagogic states:  “You must resolve the problem of ‘sleeping without sleeping,’ which is the essence of the dialectics of the dream, since it is a repose which walks in equilibrium on the taut and invisible wire which separates sleeping from waking,” Dali wrote in the book 50 Secrets of Magic Craftsmanship.”  

Lucid Dream

One "witnesses" the fact that one is dreaming, and may take an active role in the unfolding of the dream.


The ability to interpret dreams and visions. “Mentation through dreams quickens spiritual power in the soul, producing spiritual action on the physical planes.  Having mentation, dreams are realized in a pure, supreme-consciousness state.  Retention of pure and true dreams with soul-inferences is a mentation action producing bliss feelings, peace, acceptance of all happenings in the physical world. The spiritual art of concentration, contemplation and meditation leads one to mentation, whereby he is at home in all worlds.  Apprehension is absent from mentation, for in mentation one functions through the mind of God.  In mentation there is neither fear nor frustration.”“…all who have mentation and sustained cognition – that is, dream intuition – are aware that is necessary to keep current the night and the day learning and earning.” Ann Ree Colton, Watch Your Dreams

Near-death Experience  (NDE) 

Usually caused by a severe trauma, shock, injury, accident, surgery. The soul leaves the physical body and observes what is happening to the physical body, hears what people are saying – and eventually returns to the physical body.


"True night-flight is the release of the higher etheric body, the higher emotional body, and the higher mental body to the world of dreams.  In the first training for night-flight, the initiate is assisted by three angels, that he may slow down his senses and relax in true sleep.  One must anesthetize the lesser etheric body, the lesser emotional body and the lesser mind, that he may rise in the night.  If he has the grace, his three angels - the Luminosity Angel, his Guardian Angel and his Recording Angel - assist him to move over the gravity astral tumults of raucous, perverted sound.  The initiate in his training for night-flight action, uses certain mantrams before sleep, that he may assist himself in night-flight and thus avoid the turbulence of astral shock.""The higher etheric body does not have pinions or wings; night-flight is experienced as a form of spiraling flight.  Thus, experiences in the higher dream veils are often spoken of by the initiated as night-flight." "Through dreams, an initiate is taught how to 'go in and out' - that is, to experience night-flight with full consciousness and return to the physical body with a clear memory of the night's experience." "In free night-flight, one literally travels to places in the regions, planes, spheres and realms of the spiritual worlds. In such dream states, the soul is free when one relieves his consciousness of his karmic burdens, his doubts, his fears, to travel to places of spiritual reality, to research them and to record them, and to use his knowledge on the coming day." Ann Ree Colton, Watch Your Dreams

Night Ministry

Participants in the Night Ministry aid others, research the higher worlds, learn of past lives, and gain prophetic insight.“The healer must be aware of the Night Ministry and its healing resources, and he must increase his powers of visitation whereby he may heal in hell, in heaven and in earth.”  

“There are many in the world who are influenced by the Niscience Archetype. Their hearts and souls are entirely dedicated to the Light of the Christ and to His humanity for the world. Such persons meet and gather together in the Ministry of the Night, where they are instructed and directed by the illuminative Presences of Heaven. In the daytime action, those who have gained a spiritual dignity must show the way, having made a covenant in Heaven to work with the Equation of God.” Ann Ree Colton



(From Greek “oneiros” (dream)) (pronounced o – nigh – rick) related to dreams or dreaming

Out-of-body experience (OBE or OOBE) 

“The out-of-body experience (OBE), the sense of having separated from the body and of viewing it from the outside, is widely reported. A typical account is the following: ‘I was lying on my side of the bed. Then I was standing by the side of the bed looking down at myself in bed’. The experience can sometimes extend to the sense of travelling to other places and of being aware of events taking place, often referred to in occult and esoteric literature as ‘astral travelling’.”

“When my body sleeps, my spirit wakes and is freed like steam into the night air.  When my body communicates a need to wake, then my spirit immediately returns to it, like water being poured into dough.”  Andrew Paquette, Dreamer 

 Nanci Trivellato gave an excellent TEDx talk: “How Out-of-Body Experiences could Transform Yourself and Society  2/26/2016   18 minutes   

Pre-sleep mantram 

“To use transenergizing powers during sleep, he speaks a pre-sleep mantram, that his silver cord and the astral discs, working with his lower chakras, be free to relax.  This enables the supra-electronics within his silver cord to unfold freely within the sound current of the suggestible sleep-energy voltage.  By speaking a mantram before sleep, he moves over and beyond the lower, subtle-astral currents.  From this, he will awaken in the morning with a sealed-in impressionability and guidance as to his works and service to God for the day.”  Ann Ree Colton

Quelle (German for "source")

“The subconscious mind seated at the base of the skull is the lower Quelle, meaning psychic womb or source. The higher Quelle relates to the higher unconscious, which is the matrix for the higher mind, the soul and the Higher Self.”    “All degrees of the Quelle subconscious and unconscious aspects of mind are under command of the feminine principle or Cosmic Mother, called by the Rishis of the East the Divine Mother.” “The higher unconscious portion of the soul is a bridge of light between earth sentience and the spiritual superconscious. The Guru Master-Teacher teaches directly to the higher unconscious or higher quelle so that the student or disciple may erase the samskara, darkened, earth-impressionable remembrances dwelling within the lower subconscious or (lower) quelle.”  "Through dreams and meditation rhythms, Quelle mind projects, rejects, ranges and prompts onto conscious mind one's own myth-symbols of comprehension and enlightenment." Ann Ree Colton 


“There is too much about which we feel guilty, which we do not wish to remember, too many weaknesses we want to avoid, and too many unpleasant memories we do not want to recall. So we simply banish these disagreeable things and pretend they do not exist. This does not at all mean they cease to be. They simply are repressed, but continue to live in the unconscious like another person. This ‘other person’ appears in our dreams so regularly it has been given a name. Jung calls it ‘the shadow’.” John A. Sanford, Dreams God’s Forgotten Language

Silver Cord

“The silver cord is an etheric cord. It enables the ego to go in and out of the body during sleep and during out-of-the-body experience. It is anchored etherically over the spleen, the liver, the heart, the throat, and the crown of the head. At death the silver cord is ruptured.” Ann Ree Colton, Kundalini West, “Or ever the silver cord be loosed, or the golden bowl be broken, or the pitcher be broken at the fountain, or the wheel broken at the cistern, Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was: and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it.” Ecclesiastes 12:6-7 “Through night instruction in the Hall of Learning, one learns to extend the time limit of dreaming. Through spiritual understanding in evolvement, he learns how to use the releasing projectile, or the silver cord, within his etheric body so that he may remain longer in the tutelage precincts of the night university.”  Ann Ree Colton, The Archetypal Kingdom


“The soul is centered in its pulsation point within the crown of the head. The soul is a supernatural energy overdirected by the Presence and Image of God. The soul is a vehicle for spiritual experience.”  Ann Ree Colton, The Archetypal Kingdom

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